Unmatched Service: Compass’s Warranty Programs

Unmatched Service: Compass’s Warranty Programs

Why Choose Compass’s Warranty Programs?

When it comes to purchasing a new home, one of the most important considerations is ensuring that your investment is protected. That’s where Compass’s warranty programs come in. With our unmatched service, we offer comprehensive warranty options to give you peace of mind.

The Benefits of Compass’s Warranty Programs

Compass’s warranty programs provide numerous benefits to homeowners:

  • Extended Coverage: Our warranty programs go beyond the standard builder’s warranty, covering a wide range of components and systems in your home.
  • Cost Savings: With our warranty programs, you can avoid unexpected repair or replacement costs, potentially saving you thousands of dollars.
  • Convenience: If an issue arises, our warranty programs make it easy to file a claim and get the necessary repair or replacement done quickly.
  • Peace of Mind: With Compass’s warranty programs, you can enjoy your new home without worrying about unforeseen expenses or repair needs.

Compass’s Warranty Program Options

Compass offers various warranty program options to cater to your specific needs:

1. Basic Warranty

The Basic Warranty covers essential components and systems, providing a solid foundation for homeowner protection.

2. Enhanced Warranty

The Enhanced Warranty expands on the Basic Warranty, offering broader coverage for additional components, including appliances and electrical systems.

3. Comprehensive Warranty

Our Comprehensive Warranty is the most extensive program, providing coverage for a wide range of components and systems within your home. With this program, you can rest assured that your investment is well-protected.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I file a claim under Compass’s warranty programs?

A: Filing a claim is quick and easy. Simply contact our dedicated customer service team, provide them with the necessary details, and they will guide you through the process.

Q: Are pre-existing conditions covered by Compass’s warranty programs?

A: No, pre-existing conditions are not covered. Our warranty programs only provide coverage for new issues that arise after your warranty takes effect.

Q: Can I transfer my warranty to a new owner if I sell my home?

A: Yes, Compass’s warranty programs are transferable. This feature adds value to your home when you decide to sell, providing potential buyers with confidence and peace of mind.

Q: Are there any exclusions to Compass’s warranty programs?

A: Yes, there are certain exclusions to our warranty coverage, such as intentional damage, normal wear and tear, and acts of nature. Please refer to your warranty contract for a detailed list of exclusions.

With Compass’s unmatched service and comprehensive warranty programs, you can protect your new home investment and enjoy peace of mind. Contact our team today to learn more about our warranty options and find the perfect fit for your needs.

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